Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It begins...

The other day I wrote an article for the Chatham Kent Daily Post on the importance of 'Buying Local, Buying Handmade.' To read the article, head on over here. Well, I was pretty impressed with myself. The article turned out spankin' fresh, and I really enjoyed promoting local Etsians. That was fun. I'm great. Toot toot! (That's me tooting my own horn).

The problem is, I seem to be on a roll... first the article, then organizing a Chatham-Kent Etsy Team (in the process of approval as we speak), and now Brenda has re-awakened the Chatham Kent Handmade Market blog for the use of all the local artisans who want to be linked together, promote their work, and be cool like me. And Brenda. And the others that are involved, too.

So this will be our blog. We will post newly designed items, link to local 'Minions of Creativity', as we will hence-forth be known, and promote local creative happens in which we are involved. It will be good, and I am hoping you will enjoy your visits.

And to finish it off, here is the first CK Etsy Team promotion... look what I made tonight!

I have four of these, they are sold separately. They are made from small beach glass pebbles that I found on the Lake Erie shoreline, attached to hammered copper wire spirals. 25$ each, or 10% each additional necklace purchased, throughout my shop.
Persephone's Awakening - jenmerritt.etsy.com

Stay tuned for more from other members of the team. Till then, au revoir!

Jen Merritt

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